Our learning system
Chung Hwa Pulp offers employees a variety of training courses and programs for professional skills and personal development.
The company offers comprehensive trainings for employees.
Job Rotation by Project
Supervisor’s Coaching and Inspiration
Online learning courses, professional certification courses, and self-study, etc.
Comprehensive advanced training
New employee training includes introduction of corporate culture, related regulations
welfare and benefits, and working environment. In addition, factory tours to acquaint new employees with the production process and products.
Through on-job trainings provided by supervisors within the department. Cross functional trainings are available such as accounting, marketing and sales courses, etc.
A series of management courses are avaliable for those who are aspired to business and managerial responsibility
Information about relevent external lectures and courses are provided to employees and their supervisors for their development planning.
Employees are encouraged to acquire new professional knowledge and obtain relevant licenses and certificate or diploma.