How can we constantly improve quality and operational efficiency?

In response to the global sustainable development policy, we have voluntarily implemented and improved multiple clean production plans. We commit ourselves to improving the efficiency of water and energy resources. We implement continuous improvement and risk management for the process of operation, including quality, environment, energy, safety, and raw material traceability.

Greenhouse gas control

CHP has a "Greenhouse Gas Reduction Task Force" in place for executing  greenhouse gas reduction. The task force's responsibilities include checking sources of greenhouse gas emission, researching and working out various reduction measures, reporting the improvement to the national greenhouse gas registration platform and disclosing the related information in the Corporate Social Responsibility Report. Since 2011, we have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by more than 99,000 tons. For each ton of pulp products, the carbon emissions were reduced by 36%.

Chung Hwa Pulp Jiutang Mill


Water resources

Water consumption was reduced by an average of 2% each year
Smart control of our water system was applied to manage and monitor the quantity and the quality control and assurance.
Water was recycled for 6 times on average before discharging for treatment.
Continuous effort was made to improve operation efficiency.

The treated water must be qualified for irrigation in the community wetland.

Waste from one industry could be resource of another

The wood from the natural forest is the major bio-based raw material for CHP’s paper production. Most of the minor materials collected from the paper manufacturing process can be recycled. Among them, bio-based residual materials account for the highest proportion that can be returned to the earth as the nutrients for farming or forestry applications. 
We are committed to continuously extending the life cycle of paper product and at the end of its intended applications is reclaimed for other utilizations.

  • Natural compost

  • Building materials

  • Cement products

  • RDF fuel